Intern Corporates Industry Coverage: Industry Coverage Support (f/m/d)

Prácticas de 4 a 6 meses


Publicado el 11 de enero de 2025

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    Prácticas de 4 a 6 meses

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    Marzo de 2025

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HypoVereinsbank - UniCredit - Deutschland illustration
Die HypoVereinsbank ist Teil der UniCredit, einer paneuropäischen Geschäftsbank. Unser Ziel ist es, die Gesellschaft dabei zu unterstützen sich weiterzuentwickeln, indem wir unseren Unternehmenskunden und Privatkund:innen weltweit die besten Lösungen bieten und ihr Potenzial sowie das unserer Mitarbeiter:innen zur Entfaltung bringen. Die Digitalisierung und unser Bekenntnis zu den ESG-Grundsätzen - Nachhaltigkeit & soziale Gerechtigkeit - sind Grundlage für unser Handeln. Sie leiten uns dabei an, unsere Stakeholder zu begleiten und zu befähigen. Mit unserer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie, unseren Produkten sowie durch Social Impact Banking leisten wir unseren Beitrag zu einer lebenswerten Zukunft. Unser Erfolg beruht auf der Vielfalt und Einzigartigkeit unserer Mitarbeiter:innen. Deshalb respektieren und fördern wir Chancengleichheit in allen Dimensionen von Diversity, Equity und Inclusion: vom Alter über Geschlecht und Nationalität bis hin zu Religion. Dabei denken wir nicht in Hierarchien, sondern schaffen ein Umfeld, in dem jede Meinung geschätzt wird. Auch aus diesem Grund wurden wir zum wiederholten Mal als europäischer Top Employer ausgezeichnet. Werde auch Du Teil von uns - Sei du selbst und wachse mit uns.

Corporates/Industry Coverage focuses on international active clients with capital market needs and typically in the investment grade rating spectrum or in the cross-over range. Many of our Corporates are members of DAX, EuroStoXX 600 or FTSE100 and are all Western Europe domiciled. Our aim is to achieve Tier 1 positions with its clients based on profound industry knowledge. Therefore our Coverage Units are organized in Industry Teams, both on the coverage as well credit analysis side. Acting as a leading core bank is driven by the thorough understanding of its clients` needs. In particular the ability to cross-sell capital markets, Global Transaction Banking, Corporate Treasury Sales business should be the focus as well as UniCredit's regional footprint (CEE). One important tool is the client wallet analysis and our respective share of wallet. This approach is supported by the Shared Goals Initiative.

Das erwartet Dich bei uns

  • Support the Industry Coverage Support in steering the business overall coordination mechanisms as well as strategic projects within UCB AG and UCG
  • Cooperate with Relationship Managers, Credit Analyst and Product Units with regards to client related processes
  • Active contribution to different projects by supporting the Industry Coverage Support in the analysis and record of client data in IT-Systems (e.g. EuroSig, FATCA, Wolga, Opal)
  • Support the Industry Coverage Support in preparing various reportings for the clients (e.g. guarantee reporting)
  • Create client- and internal presentations in collaboration with the Industry Coverage Support
  • Ensure smooth and efficient execution of daily business
  • General office administration and operations functions (in coordination with service lines)

Das bringst Du mit

  • At least final year of Bachelor or any year of Master in Business Administration, Economics or related study area with specific focus on Finance
  • Analytical skills and affinity to handle figures
  • Strong Microsoft skills (Excel, Access, Powerpoint)
  • Ability to adhere to work under pressure and to explain complex issues
  • Confident behavior and strong communication skills
  • Team player and ability to work self-reliant
  • Willingness to work in an international context
  • High level of personal integrity
  • Fluency communication skills in German and English

Das bieten wir Dir

  • #EnjoyNetworking - From day one, you will be part of a vibrant community and a great team that supports each other. In addition to your day-to-day job, numerous events await you where you can make contacts in all areas and divisions of the bank.
  • #UnlockYourPotential - With us, you are guaranteed a steep learning curve. In your multifaceted internship, you can supplement your theoretical knowledge from your studies with practical insights and thus find out where your passion lies.
  • #ComeAndStay - For top interns, we have a retention program so that we can stay in touch after your studies and hopefully soon welcome you as a permanent employee.
  • #JoinOurTeam - Our employees are the driving force behind our success and therefore our greatest asset. Because we are aware of our responsibility as an employer, we have once again been certified as Top Employer. Become part of our team!
  • #ThinkEuropean - We are not only one of the largest financial institutions in Germany, but as part of UniCredit we are also internationally active and successful. With us, you can expect a pan-European company with regional ties as well as stimulating career opportunities in the world's most exciting cities.
  • #EmpowerCommunitiesToProgress - We are committed to sustainable and social values: Social Impact Banking and Sustainable Finance are part of our DNA. Because for us, creating value means more than just creating financial value.

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Corporate Finance

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HypoVereinsbank - UniCredit - Deutschland

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