Oliver Wyman

Conseil en strategie

Type d'entreprise

Grande entreprise


Conseil en strategie


1 rue Euler 75008 Paris

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Oliver Wyman | OWn your Future 2024 Wrap-up

Last week, 25 women from different backgrounds across Europe convened in Paris for an immersive weekend experience. The aspiring student candidates participated in a two-day challenge centered around a real Oliver Wyman project.

They were grouped into international teams and collaborated with our consultants to create a formal recommendation. This recommendation was then presented to a jury of our partners Elie Farah, Nicolas Pette, Charlotte Provost, and Meryem Ben-Goumi.

Throughout this experience, participants also had the opportunity to walk in the shoes of an Oliver Wyman consultant, unlocking their potential and getting to know our firm up close. In addition, they also had numerous opportunities for some team bonding, fostering personal connections and fun!

We look forward to welcoming more candidates to our next edition! Stay tuned...

#Recruiting #Hiring #Womeninconsulting