Ethical hacker

Experts in sneaking their way in and occasionally known as “pen-testers” or “white hats”, ethical hackers test company IT systems in order to improve their security. Sort of the Robin Hoods of the hacking world.

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Fun fact

“Your password must contain at least one special character, an even number and a capital letter”. Painful, right? Especially since these stringent requirements we all know so well are based on... well, not much at all, really. In 2003, Bill Blur, a federal executive in the United States, was under pressure from his bosses to update them on IT security. As he himself freely admits, he advised them to always include special characters in passwords... without any logic or evidence to back it up. On the contrary, it appears longer passwords are much harder to crack than shorter passwords full of special characters. The moral of the story? Better to use passwords like "I love pistachio spaghetti” than “ch0colat$98”.


Hard skills

  • Internal auditing
  • Penetration testing tool
  • Ict infrastructure
  • Legal requirements of ict products
  • Web application security threats
  • Cyber attack counter-measures
  • Information confidentiality

Soft skills

  • Active problem identification
  • Social perception
  • Logical reasoning

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