Boost your impact with the all-in-one career platform

Put every student on the path to success with JobTeaser

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They're already part of the JobTeaser network :

Our network of institutions of higher education

The platform to amplify the impact of your career services and guidance

Increase your visibility among students

  • Make the most of your own dedicated profile: introduce yourself and share all your latest news
  • Be visible with your logo prominently displayed on your Career Center
  • Promote your corporate partners by highlighting their jobs and events

Protect your students' data

  • European standards: JobTeaser is a European company and fully complies with EU regulations
  • GDPR: our GDPR compliance has been certified by an independent European certification body (TÜV)
  • European sovereignty: our data is 100% hosted on European servers

Make the difference with exclusive content

  • Offer your students more opportunities: +20,000 ads for internships, apprenticeships and job opportunities throughout France
  • Speak their language: we give you content and formats adapted to GenZ
  • Expand your events: offer networking events, giving your students the chance to meet employers who are actively recruiting

“The platform is a real asset for our students, and gives us the opportunity to centralise all our information on internships and finding work”.

Lucie Goffroy, Internship team manager at UTT 

Benefit from our personalized support

  • Expertise built on hundreds of partnerships with higher education institutions at your service
  • Ongoing strategic and operational support from our teams
  • A growing platform that adapts to your needs
  • Satisfaction guaranteed with a 9.1/10 rating

"Our contacts at JobTeaser are always responsive, hyper-efficient and for us, that's very valuable."

Arts et Métiers

Join Europe's largest ecosystem

  • +800 higher education institutions, 250,000 recruiters and 5 million students
  • A tool co-created alongside the best higher education institutions in Europe
  • Original training sessions, events and reports to stay up to date
  • Exclusive content for your students thanks to our network of employers 

Thank you to our schools for trusting us

“JobTeaser is unique in its ability to offer our students a wide range of internships and job opportunities. The platform is where they sign up for workshops and careers guidance sessions run by our department. That’s how JobTeaser has become an invaluable support for our students, giving them easy access to our services, and to a wealth of information and data on various industries and future careers”

Eun Paig, Head of Career Development, Master in Management at ESCP Business School

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They're already recruiting with JobTeaser

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