PwC Luxembourg

The world is changing. Be part of The New Equation.

Company type

Large company




2 rue Gerhard Mercator, Luxembourg

News (96)

  • Company life

    PwC Luxembourg a encore frappé avec son Staff Day/PwC Luxembourg strikes again with its Staff Day

    *English below* Réputé pour sa convivialité et son art de célébrer, PwC Luxembourg a encore frappé avec son bien connu Staff Day. Chaque année, le Big 4 installé au Luxembourg prépare cet événement avec minutie pour garantir à ses employés une journée riche en émotions ! Le Staff Day a commencé avec une plénière à la Coque où les presque 4000 employés de PwC Luxembourg étaient réunis pour assister au speech de François Mousel et de Roxane Haas : entre enjeux stratégiques, bien-être au travail et nouveaux bureaux innovants, de nombreux sujets ont été abordés et les membres du club de théâtre d’improvisation ont même pu jouer sur la grande scène ! Ensuite, les employés se sont dirigés vers leur activité de l’après-midi. En effet, ils ont pu choisir une activité parmi des dizaines proposées : tour en bateau, escalade, escape game, padel, yoga, cinéma, spa, visite d’une brasserie, etc. Il y en avait pour tous les goûts ! Enfin, les employés se sont à nouveau tous retrouvés à la Coque alors transformée en véritable boîte de nuit pour faire la fête. Au menu : de la cuisine des quatre coins du monde et des boissons à volonté, un groupe de musique pour bien débuter la soirée, puis le célèbre DJ Henri PFR pour faire danser les employés et leurs +1.  Vivement le prochain Staff Day ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Renowned for its conviviality and its art of celebrating, PwC Luxembourg has struck again with its well-known Staff Day. Every year, the Big 4 based in Luxembourg prepares this event carefully to guarantee its employees a day full of emotions!  The Staff Day began with a plenary at the Coque where almost 4,000 employees of PwC Luxembourg gathered to attend the speech by François Mousel and Roxane Haas: between strategic issues, well-being at work and new innovative offices, many topics were discussed and members of the improvisational theater club were even able to perform on the big stage!  Then, the employees headed off to their afternoon activity. In fact, they were able to choose an activity from dozens offered: boat tour, climbing, escape game, padel, yoga, cinema, spa, visit to a brewery, etc. There was something for everyone!  Finally, the employees all met again at La Coque, which had been transformed into a real nightclub for partying. On the menu: cuisine from all around the world and unlimited drinks, a music group to start the evening off right, then the famous DJ Henri PFR to make the employees and their +1s dance.  Looking forward to the next Staff Day!

  • Company life

    PwC Luxembourg célèbre la Semaine de la Fierté/ PwC Luxembourg is celebrating Pride Week

    *English below* Chez PwC Luxembourg, nous avons célébré la Semaine de la Fierté pour la cinquième année consécutive, avec une série d'événements marquants démontrant notre engagement envers l'inclusion LGBTQI+.  La session Proud Together - A Journey of Belonging a lancé les festivités, mettant en lumière les efforts de notre entité luxembourgeoise comme ceux de notre réseau mondial. Breaking Barriers. Growing Together a souligné l'importance des alliés pour créer des lieux de travail inclusifs. Nous avons aussi exploré les opportunités et défis de l'IA générative et partagé les expériences des familles arc-en-ciel lors de sessions dédiées. Le Pride Business Forum a montré comment nous travaillons avec nos clients et partenaires pour promouvoir l'inclusion au-delà même de PwC. Enfin, la semaine s'est clôturée avec une session de géopolitique offrant des stratégies pour soutenir les parties prenantes LGBTQ+ dans un monde en constante évolution.  Nos employés ont également participé avec enthousiasme à la Luxembourg Pride Run ainsi qu’à la Pride à Esch-sur-Alzette, témoignant de notre soutien visible aux droits LGBTQ+.  Ces événements ont renforcé notre engagement continu à favoriser un environnement inclusif et solidaire pour tous où la diversité, quelle qu’elle soit, est considérée comme une valeur ajoutée. Vous aussi, vous avez envie de rejoindre une entreprise avec une politique de Diversité, Équité et Inclusion forte ? Alors rejoignez-nous !  ------------------------------------------------ At PwC Luxembourg, we celebrated Pride Week for the fifth consecutive year, with a series of milestone events demonstrating our commitment to LGBTQI+ inclusion.  The Proud Together - A Journey of Belonging session kicked off the festivities, highlighting the efforts of our Luxembourg entity and those of our global network. Breaking Barriers. Growing Together highlighted the importance of allies in creating inclusive workplaces. We also explored the opportunities and challenges of generative AI and shared the experiences of rainbow families during dedicated sessions. The Pride Business Forum showed how we work with our clients and partners to promote inclusion beyond PwC. Finally, the week closed with a geopolitics session offering strategies to support LGBTQ+ stakeholders in an ever-changing world.  Our employees also enthusiastically participated in the Luxembourg Pride Run as well as the Pride in Esch-sur-Alzette, demonstrating our visible support for LGBTQ+ rights.  These events reinforced our ongoing commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all where diversity, whatever it may be, is considered as added value.  Do you want to join a company with a strong Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy? Join us! 

  • Company life

    Contribute to shaping PwC’s sustainability strategy!

    Your Voice Matters! We know it's the end of the year and holidays are just around the corner but wait, just a sec! We need your help to Shape the Future of Sustainability at PwC! What is it about? We want to hear your thoughts on how PwC handles sustainability. Why? Your feedback will guide us in prioritizing focus areas and shaping PwC's Sustainability Strategy for the coming years. Answer the survey by clicking HERE!  Your responses will remain confidential and will be used solely to improve our sustainability practices.  Should you have any questions or require further information, reach out to us at [email protected].   *This survey is part of a broader initiative in the context of PwC’s compliance with Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the update of our 2016 materiality matrix to identify PwC's key sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities.  Thank you for your time and support!   The Corporate Sustainability Office

  • Company life

    On vous écoute! / We listen to you!

    Comment PwC Luxembourg met à l’honneur la voix de ses employés grâce à sa Global People Survey Comme chaque année, PwC Luxembourg lance sa Global People Survey, aussi appelée GPS. PwC est reconnue comme l’un des top employers au niveau mondial et ce, grâce à son pouvoir d’attraction et de rétention des meilleurs talents. Et si PwC bénéficie d’une telle réputation, c’est que l’avis de ses employés est mis à l’honneur et sert de ligne directrice à la construction de ses politiques. En effet, PwC Luxembourg s’engage à sonder ses employés avec sa Global People Survey, pour mieux comprendre leurs besoins et ainsi façonner un environnement de travail attractif où il fait bon travailler. Du 10 au 30 avril, les presque 4000 employés de PwC Luxembourg ont ainsi eu l’opportunité de participer à cette enquête. Pour ce faire, PwC Luxembourg n’a pas lésiné sur la convivialité. En effet, la GPS se fait en ligne, mais des petits déjeuners thématiques ont été organisés au sein de Crystal Park, le fameux Head Quarter du premier Big 4 à Luxembourg. Les employés ont ainsi pu échanger avec des interlocuteurs dédiés sur des sujets tels que les avantages sociaux, la diversité et l’inclusion, la flexibilité au travail, les opportunités de développement, le bien-être au travail, et les objectifs de la firme. Enfin, cette dernière GPS servira à mieux comprendre les répercussions des actions des années précédentes et à continuer à améliorer l’expérience des employés. ----------------------------------------------------- Listening to employees through surveys: How PwC Luxembourg empowers the voice of its people Each year, PwC Luxembourg launches its Global People Survey, also called GPS. PwC is recognized as one of the top employers worldwide, thanks to its power to attract and retain the best talents. And if PwC benefits from such a reputation, it is because the opinions of its employees are given pride of place and serve as guidelines in the construction of its policies. Indeed, PwC Luxembourg is committed to surveying its employees with its Global People Survey to better understand their needs and thus shape an attractive and good place to work. From April 10th to 30th, the almost 4,000 employees of PwC Luxembourg had the opportunity to participate in this survey. To do this, PwC Luxembourg has not skimped on friendliness. Although the GPS is done online, thematic breakfasts were organized within Crystal Park, the famous Head Quarter of the first Big 4 in Luxembourg. Employees were able to discuss with dedicated contacts on topics such as social benefits, diversity and inclusion, flexibility at work, development opportunities, well-being at work, and the firm's objectives. Eventually, this latest GPS will be used to better understand the repercussions of previous years' actions and to continue to design the best employee experience.

  • Company life

    Ça PoP chez PwC ! / What’s PoPping at PwC ?

    Ça PoP chez PwC ! C’est le début d’une nouvelle année chez PwC Luxembourg et c‘est pour nous l’occasion de renouveler notre offre de PoP Clubs en envoyant une enquête à nos employés pour savoir quels nouveaux clubs ils souhaitent ouvrir ! Mais que sont les PoP clubs ? Il s’agit de clubs composés et gérés par nos employés, PoP signifiant People of PwC, pour promouvoir le sport et la culture dans notre entreprise. PwC Luxembourg dispose de nombreux PoP Clubs pour satisfaire les goûts de chacun, entre football, basketball, rugby, danse, badminton, golf, escalade, padel, squash, couture, randonnée, Do It Yourself, théâtre d’improvisation, œnologie, musique, échecs, etc. La liste est longue et il y a de quoi satisfaire tous les profils. Ces clubs sont l’occasion pour nos 3 700 employés de se rencontrer en toute convivialité tout en partageant (ou en découvrant) leurs passions ! Alors, quel PoP aimeriez-vous rejoindre ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- What’s PoPping at PwC ? It’s the start of a new year at PwC Luxembourg and it’s an opportunity for us to renew our PoP Clubs offering by sending a survey to our employees to find out which new clubs they would like to open! But what are PoP clubs? These are clubs made up and managed by our employees, PoP meaning People of PwC, to promote sport and culture in our company. PwC Luxembourg has numerous PoP Clubs to satisfy everyone's tastes, between soccer, basketball, rugby, dance, badminton, golf, climbing, padel, squash, sewing, hiking, Do It Yourself, improvisation theater, oenology, music, chess, etc. The list is long and there will always be something to satisfy all kind of profiles. These clubs are an opportunity for our 3,700 employees to meet in a friendly atmosphere while sharing (or discovering) their passions! So, which PoP would you like to join?

  • Company life

    ESG topic: all concerned, all responsible

    More than 80 alumni from the University of Maastricht joined us at Crystal Park, our headquarters. I was there in front of all those smiling faces, gathered around the same subject: ESG topic. Before sharing our respective experiences, we presented what PwC Luxembourg does. With complete transparency.  There's still a lot to be done, but our actions are real and have a big impact on society and the planet. "Sometimes you look at things as they are and wonder why. Sometimes, we look at them as they could be and say why not?" We do better. We do more. Individually. All together.

  • Recruitment

    Dual-Study Program: your next chapter starts soon !

    Be ready to discover your next professional chapter on 31 October 2023 during the Inhouse Day dedicated to the Dual-Study Program! If you are interested about starting a dual-study program, and want to join your educational learning with professional experience, you are at the right place. We invited you to a one-day immersive experience at PwC Luxembourg to get the full information on our dual-study program... and to discover our amazing people! If you cannot wait any longer to get some information: click here If you already want to register for the Inhouse Day: click here We look forward to meet you!

  • Recruitment

    Our friendly Communication Team seeks motivated intern !

    It's true that finding an internship is not always easy, but this time it can be !  If you like working on establishing effective communication strategy and designing new marketing campaigns... don't look further, we have THE right internship for you. Click here to discover our offers:  Internal Communication Trainee Marketing & Communication Trainee At PwC Luxembourg, we are not only active in financial services. We are also experts in Marketing & Communication and we are looking for our future interns. So if you're interested in the adventure, we would love having you joining our team, to give you an experience that could really take your career to the next level. To do this, let just apply and show us your brightest marketing-smile. See you soon in our offices!