Synopsys Inc

Software Development

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Sunnyvale, California, USA

News (4)

  • Other

    It’s a Holiday Season… Time to Apply for The DATE Young People Programme

    Article by Marina Saryan, Young People Programme Co-Chair, Synopsys Deadline for students to apply: December 31st, 2023 Applicants must be full-time students in EDA, microelectronics, or an adjacent field DATE Conference (Design, Automation and Test in Europe) is the main event in Europe bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers, and vendors, as well as specialists in the hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. DATE will be held on 25-27 March 2024 in Valencia, Spain Young People Programme (YPP) is an integral part of the conference which supports PhD and master’s students in their career development, with various initiatives. Sponsorship of Attendance To enable current master’s and PhD students to attend DATE, sponsoring companies, and the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA) will fund registration for the full conference for Young People Programme participants. In addition to the numerous YPP events, participants will have the opportunity to attend keynotes, focus sessions, tutorials, and networking events. Prior to the conference, participants will receive necessary materials about available formats to maximize the DATE experience. Please apply here for sponsorship: Student Sponsorship Application Industry Careers Fair  Participating companies will post open positions on the  HiPEAC Jobs portal and students will be able to upload their CVs. At the conference, companies will give a brief presentation of themselves and participate in a speed-dating recruitment event. Registered students will have the opportunity to ask recruiters questions before the conference in a ‘Meet the recruiter’ call. A keynote by Matt Venn, a science and technology communicator, will discuss job opportunities created by the open hardware movement. The event will also feature a panel of young industry experts, who will talk about different career paths in microelectronics and related industries. GPT Design Contest This new initiative is a contest for teams of students who will work for 24 hours to create a design using GPT Tools. The contest is organized by Cadence, ARM, TU Munich, the University of Southampton, and UNSW (Australia), who will provide the specifications of the design, plus a verification intellectual property (IP) to check the protocol compliance of the generated design. Registered student teams will access training material before the conference so they can get to know the GPT framework and the target design framework (e.g. any necessary protocols, the verification framework). To find out more about the competition, watch the video and register your team for the contest: GPT Design Contest Application Student Teams Fair Another initiative of the YPP is the Student Teams Fair, which brings together university student teams with EDA and microelectronic companies. Student teams will present their activities, success stories and challenges, while companies can provide support (such as free tool licences, personalized webinars, and financial support) for future activities. Submit your poster here: Student Teams Fair Application PhD Forum The DATE PhD Forum is a great opportunity for PhD students to present their work to a broad audience in the system design and design automation community, and to make contacts as they enter the job market. For their part, representatives from industry and academia get an insight into state-of-the-art research in the system design and design automation space. More details about the PhD Forum Academic Careers Fair  It’s not just industry representatives who are looking for top-talent graduates; academic institutions also need high-potential candidates. Programme leaders will promote their research projects and open positions to YPP attendees, so those who want to stay on the academic research path can learn about these opportunities. This year’s fair will also feature a workshop on how to write proposals, an important skill researchers need throughout their academic career. University Fair The DATE University Fair provides a platform to disseminate mature projects, ideally with a live demonstration. In addition to academics, this is also of interest to industry, as the outcomes of fundamental research can be potentially applied to commercial products. As there are often follow-up projects, which again need a new generation of researchers, this closes the loop with the Academic Careers Fair. For further details about the particular events, please contact:   Careers Fair – Industry & Student Teams Fair PhD Forum Careers Fair – Academic and University Forum

  • Recruitment

    Oh No! Not “Tell us about yourself” Question Again!

    I think “Tell us about yourself” might be the most dreaded question you can get during a job interview, regardless of your experience level. You never know, should you recite your CV in your own words, should you tell something additional to what is already in it, should you dance, cry, or give up from the start. When I remember my student years and preparation for the interviews, this question was killing me. I have read a lot of articles of HR specialists giving advice on the matter. It was very helpful. This time we decided to check with our managers what they are looking for as an answer to that question during Synopsys job interviews. Of course, Synopsys is a multi-national company, each country has its own specificities, cultural peculiarities and each manager is different. There is no one answer to the question. Our managers from different parts of Europe decided to share with you a few tips to be well prepared for your next interview. I am ready! We are not going to state the obvious by saying that you should prepare beforehand. Maybe you are that talented person, who can “nail” the story ‘on the fly’, but for most of us it is hard to be concise and on point without preparing beforehand. So, take the job description, research the company and craft your experience tailored to both. Short and sweet Keep it under 2 minutes. You might think: “I am a student, it won’t be difficult for me to keep it short as I don’t have much experience to tell anyway”. Not true. You still have a unique story to tell and the value you can bring to the company. Our managers highlighted that you should understand what you want and know precisely what you wish to accomplish at Synopsys. Occam’s Razor To paraphrase the principle of Occam’s Razor, keep it short but tell everything you need to showcase yourself. For your response to be clear and concise, you can organize your answer one of these 2 ways: Present, past and future Past, present and future Mention experiences and successes as they relate to the job highlight any relevant courses, projects, or extracurricular activities Focus on strengths and abilities supported with examples. notable achievements, awards, and recognitions This is me! Don’t be afraid to open up. It is important for our managers to see who you are. When asked about most memorable candidates, our managers recalled stories that incorporated intriguing personal experiences, such as unique hobbies, extraordinary adventures, or notable books the candidate had read. These personal stories allowed the Hiring Managers to better understand the candidate's personality, interests, and passions, which they found quite appealing. Thus, incorporating such stories into your response can make you stand out and leave a lasting impression on the Hiring Managers. Be confident! Don’t worry, our managers strive to create a comfortable and stress-free interview atmosphere for candidates. This helps you to present yourself confidently and demonstrate your skills and aspirations effectively. Key Takeaways Research our company, read the job description, remember all your great accomplishments in school and beyond and blend it in to a unique story that you can tell us. Be prepared, be precise, be true, be yourself, and above it all, be passionate. We look forward to getting to know you and welcoming you in Synopsys!

  • Other

    Synopsys Open Doors events

    What is the best way of getting to know a Company? We suggest an Open Doors event for you to know Synopsys from the inside. We always have our doors opened for the ones eager to drink from our engineers knowledge and career path.  We have designed a dynamic morning/afternoon in a way that you will learn what is a day in a Synopsys Engineer life of: Analog team Digital team Prototyping team Laboratory team  You will have the chance to chat with our engineers during a networking session with coffee break and an informal environment. You can clarify your doubts about our job but also about future decisions that you will need to take for your Master for example. To give you a sneak-peak of this event here it goes an example with an experience from the Analog team in Portugal: for you to be able to better understand what an Analog and Mixed Signal Layout Designer does we have prepared for you an activity with LEGO pieces.  Are you already interested?  Gather a group of colleagues and show us your interest. Or even better, reach out to the Students association from your University and feel free to reach out to us to organize it like a school trip.

  • Other

    How the Electronics Industry Can Shape a More Sustainable, Energy-Efficient World

    By Piyush Sancheti, VP of Engineering, and Godwin Maben, Synopsys Fellow; Synopsys Strategy & System Architects Group We’re already experiencing the effects of our world’s changing climate—devastating wildfires, prolonged droughts, torrential flooding, just to name a few examples. Global energy consumption is increasing, raising carbon dioxide levels and triggering extreme weather conditions. Two key forces driving these trends are the shift to hyperscale datacenters and the explosion of internet traffic. In short, our world is becoming more digitized, connected, and intelligent. But our planet—and all who call this beautiful place home—is paying the price. What can be done to create a more sustainable, energy-efficient world? Innovation has led us where we are today, and innovation can lead us toward a more viable path. From the way that we produce and deliver energy to how our electronic systems are designed, there are measures that our industry can take now to ensure that all we’ve built will endure. Read on to learn about four key areas in electronics where the integration of more sustainable practices can yield brighter outcomes for the next generation. How Bad Is It Out There? To provide a sense of where we are—and where we are potentially headed—let’s take a closer look at our current landscape. Global carbon dioxide levels are skyrocketing, from 303.8 parts per million (PPM) in 1922 to over 400 PPM now, according to a project of the non-profit 2 Degrees Institute, which tracks atmospheric CO2 levels dating back 800,000 years. Not coincidentally, energy consumption has seen a 7x increase since 1952, with most of it generated via fossil fuels, according to an annual report of world energy by Seeking Alpha. Part of what’s fueling this substantial growth in global energy usage is the shift to hyperscale data centers—massive undertakings featuring at least 5,000 servers managing petabytes of data in around 10,000 square feet of space. Their efficiency lies in their ability to swiftly process voluminous amounts of data—the data that fuels our demands for streaming video, lightning-fast financial transactions, big data analytics, and AI (both inferencing and learning). To accomplish this, however, hyperscale data centers consume enormous amounts of power. Excluding crypto, datacenter energy use was in the 220-to-330 Terawatt-hours (TWh) range in 2021, roughly 0.9% to 1.3% of global final electricity demand, according to an International Energy Agency report on data centers and data transmission networks. That’s more energy than some countries consume in a year. Related to this is the exponential growth we’re experiencing in internet traffic. In 2021, there were 4.9 billion internet users across the world—nearly two-thirds of the global population, according to Statista. Cisco, meanwhile, has projected global internet traffic to reach 396 exabytes per month this year, up from 122 exabytes per month in 2017. Altogether, the information and communication technology (ICT) sector accounts for more than 2% of global carbon emissions. Now Is the Time To Act While the energy dilemma in the electronics industry seems rather daunting, it is not insurmountable. For one, the servers used in newer hyperscale datacenters tend to be more power efficient than their older counterparts. The power usage efficiency (PUE)—total energy needed divided by energy used for computing—of conventional data centers is about 2.0 compared to about 1.2 for hyperscale data centers, according to a report in Nature. In addition, there are several key areas where we can expect better outcomes through the integration of more sustainable practices: Energy delivery: Expanding reliance on renewable energy sources, while also locating data centers and networking hubs closer to sources like wind and solar can make a big difference. So can the use of techniques like sustainable battery technology, such as nickel-zinc. Major hyperscale data center operators have already achieved, or plan to soon achieve, 24/7 operation on carbon-free energy. Electronics system design: A system-to-silicon approach to the design of electronic systems can reduce power consumption. There are also techniques to enhance energy dissipation, as well as opportunities to use technologies like AI to optimize chips for energy efficiency. Another key aspect of system design is the growing software content from firmware to operating system to application software. Silicon technology: The use of energy-efficient materials such as silicon carbide, new transistor devices such as FinFETs, and technologies like silicon photonics and quantum computing can optimize energy usage. Operations: Sustainable measures can be applied across the supply chain from chip and system design to electronic design automation (EDA) solutions, IP, fabrication, and package assembly. Many semiconductor companies have set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and there’s room to do more. Holistic Approach to Energy-Efficient Design Let’s take a deeper dive into the area of system design. By applying a holistic, software-driven approach, from architecture through signoff, Synopsys customers have demonstrated the ability to achieve >50% energy efficiency.  Let’s have a look at the main design phases to understand how Synopsys’ solutions have enabled system designers to achieve optimal performance per watt: Software: The software does a lot of the heavy lifting, orchestrating power management in the chip and determining critical scenarios for power analysis and optimization during SoC design. It is, therefore, critical to profile and optimize the software to ensure maximum energy efficiency in the SoC. Architecture: Power management strategies such as dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS), power domains, and voltage islands can bring substantial savings. Along with these strategies, macro-architectural tradeoffs for power-performance, as well as IP selection and tradeoffs, can bring the power savings to the 30%-to-50% range. RTL: Micro-architectural tradeoffs for clock, data, memory, and glitch power contribute to the savings, as can finding and fixing the RTL power blocks and using tool-guided clock gating, data gating, and memory sizing. The potential power savings here: 15% to 30%. Implementation: Applying automatic optimization in areas such as dynamic and leakage power, power integrity with power, performance, and area (PPA) tradeoffs, and power-aware test pattern generation can produce results to the tune of 10% to 15% power savings. Signoff: An approach centered on signoff for power and power integrity targets, along with dynamic and leakage power recovery with surgically precise engineering change order (ECO) changes, can yield 5% to 10% power savings. Verification: Centering verification efforts on the verification of UPF power intent and UPF-driven functional verification can contribute to greater energy efficiency. Synopsys customers have achieved these result ranges using our end-to-end solution for design and verification of energy-efficient SoCs. Software-driven, low-power design solutions, which support UPF (IEEE 1801) low-power intent, can help optimize PPA, while our low-power verification solution can help teams detect and resolve low-power bugs early in the cycle. Technologies like the Synopsys™ autonomous AI application for chip design uses reinforcement learning to enhance power as well as performance and area for chips. Integrating a portfolio of low-power IP solutions can also help reduce chip power consumption while accelerating time to market. Silicon lifecycle management, providing on-chip sensors for monitoring and analytics, can generate actionable insights about power consumption. Shaping a Smart Future From refrigerators that can order groceries to surgery-performing robotics, the level of intelligence, connectivity, and automation in our world is breathtaking. While each of these applications can bring tremendous benefit, they also create a substantial footprint in terms of energy consumption and carbon emissions. At Synopsys, we believe that our role in shaping the future of Smart Everything brings not only great opportunities but important responsibilities, including for the environment. We call this our Smart Future strategy. We believe that the future is not smart unless it is sustainable, fair, and secure. The environmental aspect of this strategy has a two-pronged approach. The first prong is to partner across our business ecosystem to drive positive change. We execute on this approach in many ways. In addition to bringing to market solutions that help our customers reduce energy consumption, Synopsys is also part of 21 companies and organizations that have pledged this fall to the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) to increase semiconductor energy efficiency by a factor of 1,000 over the next 20 years. The idea behind the Energy Efficiency Scaling for 2 Decades (EES2) initiative is to ultimately increase “the economic competitiveness of American semiconductor manufacturers and strengthen domestic clean energy supply chains,” while building on the aims of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, according to the DoE. Initiatives such as EES2, along with commitments by other companies in the semiconductor ecosystem to mitigate their impact on our climate, are important actions toward a more sustainable future. The second prong to our environmental strategy is to optimize our own operational footprint.  Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is just one of many actions we are taking to that end. In addition, our company is one of four anchor tenants in one of the largest corporate aggregated renewable energy procurement agreements to date, contracting 15MW of wind energy annually from a wind farm that went online recently in Throckmorton County, Texas. 2022 also marks our fourth year running for achieving CarbonNeutral® company certification across our global operations. In closing, the electronics industry has an opportunity to do its part to mitigate the environmental impact of its innovations. Synopsys is among many in the ecosystem who are leading the charge to create a more sustainable future.