HomeThe GenZ Lab5 career pages that are winning over GEN Z in 2024

5 career pages that are winning over GEN Z in 2024

  • Thursday, June 13, 2024
  • JobTeaser

45% of students consider the transition from academic to the professional world to be a major challenge, mainly because of a lack of insight into what is expected. Discover 5 genZ friendly career pages that help ease the shift.

 A genZ woman walking from work


In a nutshell 

Sympa is a fast-growing global leader in innovative HR software. 

Career page innovation

Sympa's career page goes beyond the norm by showcasing its team through engaging visuals, employee testimonial videos, career narratives, and office photos, adding a personal flair to the company's image. The page itself serves as a vivid representation of their organizational culture. 

Candidates have the advantage of accessing downloadable PDFs detailing Sympa’s hiring and orientation procedures, their cultural ethos, and environmental commitments.

What's in it for genZ? 

When looking at Sympa’s career page we can identify two important aspects that helps to ease the shift for gen Z. 

Relatable content

 Videos and testimonials from current employees, who may be peers in age or experience, provide relatable insights. This helps Gen Z to envision themselves in those roles and understand the potential career paths available.

Comprehensive understanding of the recruitment process

 Access to downloadable PDFs about the recruitment and onboarding process demystifies the hiring procedure. Candidates can also contact the people and culture team with questions regarding Sympa’s recruitments. This is particularly valuable for Gen Z, who are often new to the professional job market and appreciate clear guidance.


In a nutshell

Onfido stands out in the identity verification market with its award-winning technology that offers comprehensive end-to-end solutions. 

Career page innovation

Onfido’s career page is noteworthy for its inclusion of employee-authored blog posts

Employees share their personal stories, detailing their paths to and within Onfido. This approach gives potential candidates a window into the experiences and growth opportunities available within the company. 

The employee stories make the career page more engaging and relatable. Instead of just listing job descriptions and company benefits, these narratives provide a more dynamic and humanized view of what it’s like to work at Onfido.By featuring a variety of voices from different roles and levels within the company, Onfido showcases its diversity and inclusivity, aspects that are increasingly important to job seekers. 

What's in it for genZ? 

Career development stories

Reading about the career paths of current employees is inspiring and informative for Gen Z, who are often at the start of their careers and looking for potential growth and development opportunities.

Authentic insights into the company

The blog posts written by employees offer Gen Z a genuine and humanized look into the company's culture, expectations and values.


In a nutshell

Mito is a Hungarian communication agency.

Career page innovation

Mito's career page, with its detailed breakdown of business units, case studies, and team projects, provides Z candidates with a rich and informative resource. Their detailed business unit insights are sections dedicated to each business unit, including case studies and team projects. 

They provide potential candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the company's operations. This level of detail is valuable for those seeking a deeper insight into their potential work environment and the types of projects they could be involved in.

Including information about team projects gives potential candidates a glimpse into the collaborative nature of the work at Mito. GenZ values teamwork and community, so seeing how teams operate and contribute to projects is a significant draw.

What's in it for GenZ? 

Understanding the impact of work

The case studies and project examples demonstrate how theoretical knowledge is applied in practical scenarios. For Gen Z, who are keen to understand the real-world impact of their work, this is particularly attractive.

Insight into different roles and opportunities

By presenting detailed sections for each business unit, Mito offers Z candidates a window into the variety of roles and opportunities available within the company. This variety can be appealing to those who are still exploring their career paths and are interested in a diverse range of experiences.


In a nutshell

Klarna was founded in Stockholm in 2005 with the idea of simplifying payments. They do this by allowing consumers to receive purchases before they pay for them. 

Career page innovation

The Klarna career page is designed for efficiency and clarity. It categorizes job opportunities by skill set, providing candidates with a clear view of roles that match their competencies. 

Additionally, the page offers detailed information about the application process, including step-by-step guidance and expected timelines. A unique feature for prospective candidates is the inclusion of practical tips and strategies for excelling in a Klarna job interview, providing valuable preparation advice.

What's in it for genZ? 

Skill-set matching

The categorization of jobs by skill set enables Gen Z candidates to easily identify roles that align with their competencies and interests.

Transparent application process

Detailed explanations of each step in the application process, along with timelines, provide clarity and reduce anxiety about the unknowns of job applications.

Interview preparation

The inclusion of interview tips and strategies is particularly beneficial for Gen Z, who are newer to the job market and appreciate guidance on how to succeed in interviews.


In a nutshell 

Oxfam is a British-founded confederation of 21 independent charitable organizations focusing on the alleviation of global poverty. 

Career page innovation

Oxfam has written a career advice guide that explains how young people can find a job in the humanitarian sector. It includes a section on how to send in applications, how they can widen their network to find a job and tips on a good interview. 

Fascinatingly, their guide offers insightful explanations on how young individuals can pivot their career paths effectively.

Read our groundbreaking survey that offers unparalleled insights into the expectations, realities, and challenges of Gen Z across Europe

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