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That should interest you

  • Animal welfare inspector

    Animal welfare inspectors prevent and relieve suffering by responding to calls from the public in possible cases of animal cruelty or neglect.

  • Graphic designer

    These creative professionals use all their talents to help companies with their branding. As at ease with a blank piece of paper as they are behind a screen, graphic designers come up with all manner of colourful posters, websites and original logos!

  • Radiographer

    Fractures, internal bleeding, even detecting tumours, radiographers – also known as medical imaging technicians – take X-rays to detect hidden medical problems in the body. Thanks to their all-seeing X-ray machines, nothing gets past them!

  • Head chef

    Cooks, managers, leaders... head chefs wear many hats, along with their big white ones! Whether it’s a self-service canteen, a gastro-pub, a school dining hall or a Michelin-star restaurant, there’s only ever one boss in the kitchen, and that’s the head chef.

  • Financial markets back office administrator

    While traders on the floor are busy shouting orders to buy and sell over the phone, rapidly firing off emails and even just yelling across the room, it’s no secret that without a well-run back office, the entire financial market would grind to a halt!

  • Quantity surveyor

    In response to calls for tender, cost engineers work closely with architects, design studios and building companies to establish the overall cost of an engineering or construction project. They’re responsible for costing everything down to the last penny and monitoring budgets once work has begun.

  • Book publisher

    Often working in the shadows, publishers are book professionals. It’s thanks to them we have the novels, cookbooks and school textbooks we all know and love, whether on paper or in digital formats.

  • Geneticist

    “You’ve got your mother’s eyes and your father’s nose!” Ah, the famous family resemblance... which of us has never dreamed of unravelling the mysteries of our genetic makeup? This fascinating science studies the phenomena of heredity traits in living organisms.