Employer brand

Develop your employer brand in all our partner schools and universities.

Create your company page and multiply your visibility among the top talents of Gen Z.

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Stand out from the crowd to young candidates.

Highlight your professions and your corporate culture to stand out and attract the best profiles.

Address Gen Z in a tailored and personalized manner by working on your employer brand.

9 out of 10 young people consider the image conveyed by their company on the internet and social networks to be important.

Boost your recruitment strategy and capitalize on your reputation.

Be listed in the official directories of our 800 partner schools and universities.

Share personalized messages in your target schools to boost your attractiveness and employer brand.

Create engaging content tailored to Gen Z with our various media formats.

They're already part of the JobTeaser network :

Our network of institutions of higher education

From start-ups to large corporations, they're already recruiting with JobTeaser!


“JobTeaser was differentiating and allowed us to attract students directly from target schools, particularly for our Graduate Program recruitment. The platform also allows us to communicate on the employer brand and event side.”

testimonial credendo

“Our number one goal is to promote the Credendo brand and the career opportunities our company can offer students and recent graduates. Our partnership with JobTeaser plays a pivotal role in achieving this objective across a growing European network. There’s enormous potential for our future collaboration with JobTeaser!”


“JobTeaser helps us highlight our employer branding by sharing it with students in our targeted universities, directly on their intranet. This way, our future employees will be able to understand if our ecosystem is the right one for them... and their onboarding is much easier.”

testimonial lidl

“JobTeaser is a showcase of choice for students. The website insures our visibility among this sometimes hard-to-reach audience.”


"JobTeaser allowed us to make our Data Analytics challenge a success. The best feature was the use of THE PUSHCOM to boost our visibility."


" Jobteaser allows us to be as proactive and as targeted as we would want. The use of Direct e-mail campaigns allow us to reach candidates relevant to our student recruitment needs " 

Our solutions to go further :

Want to recruit young talent?

Our experts are here to help you with your recruitment!